University of Lille
5 European universities, ASC partners since 2005, have been working together to design and implement a joint master course in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
5 European universities, ASC partners since 2005, have been working together to design and implement a joint master course in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry:
- University Alma Mater of Bologna, Italy
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland
- University of Leipzig, Germany
- University Lille1, France (Coordinating institution)
This European master’s course has been funded and awarded the Erasmus Mundus label by the European Commission twice for the periods 2008-2014 and currently for 2015-2020 and is now highly recognized. The program includes a mandatory mobility within the ASC consortium and is taught in English in all universities.
Over the years, the ASC consortium has developed links with 14 associated partners: global industrial partners producing spectrometers (Bruker, Magnetech) as well as regional competitiveness clusters (MATIKEM in Lille, NEU in Leipzig). A privileged partnership has also been established with great research facilities such as Synchrotron SOLEIL in France and ELETTRA in Italy.
This large academic and industrial network merges its state of the art equipment and expertise to offer international students a high quality education program covering the application of spectroscopic techniques to chemistry in a broad sense, leading to careers in chemical analysis and characterization of the structure of materials in the fields of molecular synthesis, biology, nanotechnologies, modeling, pharmacy, green chemistry, materials, and sustainable energies.

The ASC Consortium is coordinated by the University Lille1.
- Legal representative: President Jean-Christophe Camart
- Network Coordinator: Prof Sylvain Cristol
- Administrative manager: Francine Chanier
- Academic affairs secretary: Aude Zeglin
The Program Board directs the program development and delivery and acts as a forum of consultation and cooperation for the implementation of the ASC Program through Partner Institutions. In line with study regulations and respecting decision-making powers of boards as stipulated at each Partner, the Program Board has the primary responsibility for:
- Agreeing on the admission criteria of the applicants to the Program (students and invited scholars),
- Selecting students and invited scholars,
- Overseeing Program development and delivery, including quality assurance,
- Monitoring student achievement, progression, and evaluation, including student feedback,
- Contributing to and approving reports to the European Commission and other donors on grants awarded for co-operation projects.
The Program board‘s members: Network coordinator, 5 local coordinators, and participation with an advisory capacity of administrative members from each partner university and 2 students.
- Lille
Université Lille 1 Cité scientifique, Bâtiment C3 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex, F-59655, Lille
- Kitzscher
Universität Leipzig Johannisallee 29, D-04103, Kitzscher
- Helsinki
University of Helsinki (FI) PL 55 (A. I. Virtasen aukio 1) Office: A428, 00014, Helsinki
- Krąków
Jagiellonian University Ul. Ingardena 3, 30-060, Krąków
- Bologna
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, , Bologna