MSc Food Business Strategy
Dublin, Ireland
12 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 22,730 / per year *
* EU fee per year - € 16150; non-EU fee per year - € 22730
This comprehensive course offers a sound training in business concepts and practice, as well as a wider understanding of the unique environment within which food businesses operate.
The curriculum has been co-devised by UCD Smurfit School and UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science in order to offer a unique opportunity to receive the highest quality business training as well as to gain a deep understanding of the food sector.
- Insight into the core business concepts that graduates from the course will need to master with a view to a future career in the sector
- Advanced knowledge of the factors specific to food affecting the sustainability of food production and the role that innovation can play in the sector
- An appreciation of the increasingly complex and global environment in which the food business currently operates and the uncertainties and risks attached to food production
Ideal Students
Full Time option suitable for:
Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EU) applicants: Yes
This course is open to a wide range of undergraduate profiles, but is especially suitable for those with a background in agriculture-based or other science degrees seeking to develop their business expertise and those with more business-focused degrees and an interest in moving into the food sector.
Scholarships and Funding
Please note that UCD offers a number of graduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students, holding an offer of a place on a UCD graduate degree programme. For further information please contact our Admissions team!
The curriculum provides a sound training in business concepts and practice, as well as a wider understanding of the unique environment within which food businesses operate. The use of test cases is fundamental to the course to ensure its usefulness and relevance for graduates who go on to work in the agri-food industry. Key industry speakers, including from the Food and Drink Authority and Teagasc, contribute to a number of modules, providing students with insight into the latest developments in the field.
In the autumn term, students complete 3 core modules.
In the spring term, students complete 2 core modules plus 1 option module.
In the summer term, students complete 2 core modules and a Group Project.
Autumn Trimester
- Economics of Food Markets and Business Behaviour
- Supply Chain Management Global Food Systems
- Customer Focused Food
Spring Trimester
- Competitive Strategy in Global Food and Agribusiness Markets
- Food Policy and Industry Responses
plus 1 option module from:
- Entrepreneurship
- Creativity Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Leadership, Organisations & Me
Summer Trimester
- Group Project
- Future of Food
- Innovation for Food Business
Please be advised that the above reflects the 2024/2025 curriculum structure and is subject to change each year. Option modules listed are indicative of what has been delivered in previous years and are also subject to change. Note that module descriptors are updated in advance of each academic term.
Program Outcome
- Analyse industries, markets and competitors to design and implement appropriate competitive strategies (PG4)
- Communicate clearly within various business settings using appropriate media (PG4)
- Critically assess global perspectives in which food businesses operate, including the influence of economic, political, social and cultural factors (PG2)
- Critically assess the economics of food businesses within the concept of sustainability (PG3)
- Devise and develop plans, strategies and organizational structures for food businesses operating in the global market (PG2)
- Employ suitable theoretical and practical models to assist the innovation process (PG3)
- Show ambition and courage for action and contribution to their future career and professional development (PG5)
- Understand the theory and practice of management and strategy development in food businesses (PG1)
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities
The food sector is seen as a key growth sector. Upon successful completion of the course, graduates will be open to an array of national and international employment opportunities within a rapidly-growing industry or related sectors.
91% of our graduates from this programme were employed after 6 months across a range of industry sectors. Source: Latest Graduate Outcomes Survey, published in December 2022.
Potential careers for our graduates include:
- Account Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Management
- Account Strategist
- Business Development
- Agribusiness Graduate Programme
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.