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Universidad de Valladolid Master in Research in Business Administration and Economics
Universidad de Valladolid

Master in Research in Business Administration and Economics

Valladolid, Spain

1 Years


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Sep 2025

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Master in Research in Business Administration and Economics

The University Master's Degree in Research in Business Administration and Economics, is organized jointly by the Universities of Burgos, León, Salamanca and Valladolid. Its objective is to train researchers in the field of Business Economics who are capable of facing complex situations in highly uncertain environments and of applying the analytical tools and research methods relevant to each case. Courses are delivered at Salamanca. Administration or Economics. Graduates from other countries in studies of related fields, which have a total load of at least 240 ECTS credits including undergraduate and graduate. Knowledge of English is recommended at an advanced user level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. In the case of students whose native language is not Spanish, they are required an accreditation of C1 in Spanish.


Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School
