Master's Degree in Human Resources Management (MGRH)
Santa Anita, Peru
4 Semesters
Full time
Request application deadline
Mar 2024
PEN 24,960 / per year
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The main purpose of the program is to perfect professionals with significant competencies, leaders at the highest level, capable of effectively and efficiently managing the human talent of organizations, whether public or private, performing with high levels of quality in the various occupational roles and scenarios, oriented its interest to the compression and solution of the social and economic problems of their organizations.
These professionals, with advanced education, will not only stand out for their technological training and analytical capacity, but also for their skill in management, creativity, competitiveness, maintenance of ethical standards and sensitivity to the social, economic and political reality of the country.
The teaching and learning process is essentially carried out through interactive classes with special emphasis on the study of cases, seeking to develop critical thinking as well as analytical skills that allow participants to discover reality for themselves, as a basis for an adequate decision making process. decisions.
The academic activities in class include exhibitions, discussions and workshops where students participate directly and actively.
- Copy of the academic degree of bachelor legalized notarially.
- Simple copy of the DNI. (In case of foreign students, they must present a copy of the immigration card and a copy of the passport).
- A passport-sized photograph, in color with a white background. (Digital format jpeg of 300 to 600 kbs of weight) Send to the email: [email protected]
- Receipt of payment by right of registration.
- Bachelors or teachers of the USMP are exempt from the registration fee for the 2017-1 and 2017-2 admissions process.
Media at the Student's Service
- Virtual and physical access to the central library of the USMP, which has been rated as one of the best in the Peruvian university system.
- Thesis counseling from the second cycle, allowing the participant to choose and progressively develop their research topic to support their master's thesis.
- Virtual classroom complementary to your face-to-face studies, in which you will find digitized the study material developed in class.
- Computer laboratories very well implemented and special environments for working in groups.
- Virtual and physical access to the central library of the USMP, which has been rated as one of the best in the Peruvian university system.
- Thesis counseling from the second cycle, allowing the participant to choose and progressively develop their research topic to support their master's thesis.
- Virtual classroom complementary to your face-to-face studies, in which you will find digitized the study material developed in class.
- Computer laboratories very well implemented and special environments for working in groups.
Allows the participant through a weekly session, perform the MBA without interfering in their work and family activities. We are a serious option for professionals looking to study and work simultaneously.
International Week
In the third cycle, participants will have the opportunity to complete an internship at the prestigious EAN University of Colombia, where they will receive master classes and visits to the most important business centers in that country.
Professors with extensive professional, academic and business experience, who have followed professional studies in prestigious national and foreign academic institutions, holding degrees of magister and doctor.
The program lasts for 4 academic semesters, a period of time that includes the preparation of the thesis work
Ex student
Those alumni who have studied undergraduate at San Martin de Porres University will have a 10% discount on the payment of fees.