MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom
12 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
GBP 12,500 / per year *
* UK students. International, including EU, students per annum: £28,000
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The REaCT course will provide you with a detailed understanding of the key renewable energy generation technologies and the factors which influence their exploitation.
It provides the foundations necessary to understand the principles of solar, wind and marine energy technologies and also the knowledge required to understand: the efficient distribution of renewables; their integration into usage into zero-carbon built infrastructure and to determine the economic and climate issues affecting the choice of renewable.
Manchester Engineering Campus Development (MECD), the University of Manchester's new £400m purpose-built home for engineering and material science, is nearing completion. The physical move to the new development is scheduled to take place between January 2022 and December 2022. Whilst it is anticipated that access to equipment or work on projects for which such access is required may be limited during the period of the move, plans are underway to ensure that any disruption caused is minimised, a wide selection of dissertation projects will continue to be available, and excellent student experience remains pivotal.
Scholarships and Funding
Career Opportunities
In completing this multidisciplinary course you will become highly employable in an area of technology that will be of dominant importance in this century. The course will provide you with all the necessary skills required if you wish to continue to study for a PhD and contribute your own ideas to advance these key technologies. COVID-19 is changing how and when we use electrical energy, but electrical energy is still essential to society; to play, to work, to study, to shop, to cook, and for warmth. In 2019 the UK set a record for its power network being coal-free for 18 days and 6 hours, the longest period since 1882, and during this period, the renewable energy sector contributed 28% of our energy needs. From China to Chile, India to Indonesia, many countries across the world are making greater use of renewable energy sources, and have ambitious plans for increasing their use. Our graduates from REaCT (Renewable Energy and Clean Technology) are, and will continue to make their contribution to more efficient, lower-cost renewable energy technology, increased use of renewables, intelligent energy-efficient building design and advanced power system management and control. Come join REaCT, and make your contribution!