Master in Facility and Real Estate Management
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 15,400 / per year *
* NON-EU and EU /EAA students €15400 first year, € 2500 following year
Our society faces major challenges in terms of the sustainability of the built environment and the anticipation of disruptive technology. The increasingly dynamic market is less predictable. This calls for more agility in real estate planning and enables new business models to emerge to meet the need for flexibility, such as real estate-as-a-service and pay-per-use in facility management. We prepare future professionals for these complex strategic issues that require an interdisciplinary approach.
Saxion University offers this master's program in cooperation with the University of Greenwich. Upon graduation, you will obtain a Dutch MSc degree from Saxion University and an internationally recognized British MSc degree from the University of Greenwich.
Value Of Degree
The degrees show that you can work, think, and act at a master's level. The British degree also opens doors to an international working context. The appreciation of the degree is similar in The Netherlands.
The British degree is internationally recognized and has the same level as a master's degree in The Netherlands
The Dutch degree is accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The British degree is accredited by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. This is the authority in the United Kingdom that grants degrees to institutions. The University of Greenwich is authorized to issue the MSc Facility and Real Estate Management.
Cooperation With the University Of Greenwich
This cooperation with the University of Greenwich means in practice that Saxion University is fully accountable and responsible for the programme. Saxion University decides about the curriculum, education, assessment, and facilities regarding the learning environment. The Dutch degree resides under Dutch Law for Higher Education and therefore uses European credits.
In setting up the curriculum, education, and assessment we align and work together with the University of Greenwich as they are accountable for the British degree. The British degree uses UK credits. This degree resides under British Law for Higher Education. Saxion University has a contractual agreement with the University of Greenwich that allows Saxion University to offer the British degree in The Netherlands.
No Pre-Master
You do not need a pre-master to enroll in this unique Master's program offered in collaboration with the University of Greenwich. You will receive your Master of Science, which is taught in English, in one year.
International Programme
The Master's degree program is fully aligned with the international professional field and is constantly updated to reflect recent academic insights. Upon completion, you will be fully equipped to support complex projects at an academic level.
Scholarships and Funding
We are proud to offer scholarships to talented international students that apply for a bachelor or master Program at Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
Saxion Scholarships Program
Over the years we developed several scholarships that are available for talented international bachelor and master students from outside the EU/EEA.
- Orange Tulip Scholarship Program (OTS)
- Orange Knowledge Program (OKP)
- MENA Scholarship Program (MSP)
- Holland Scholarship (HS)
Other Scholarships
Further information on how and where to apply for a scholarship is available at the nearest Royal Netherlands Embassy, or from the Dutch Education Organization NUFFIC.
We See Buildings as A Strategic Asset and Part of The Value Chain of Integrated Facility Management. The unique Two-Year Master's Degree Programme at Saxion – in Collaboration with The University of Greenwich – Takes This as Its Basis. the English-Language M Sc in Facility and Real Estate Management Enables You to Support Complex Projects at An Academic Level. The degree Programme Is Fully Aligned with The Professional Field and Is Constantly Updated to Reflect Recent Academic Insights
Your Master of Science in One Year
The Programme Will Be Delivered in Deventer. It Will Commence with An Introduction at The Beginning of September, Part of Which Will Involve Developing the Academic Approach Needed to Complete the Programme. Towards the End of The Year, You Will Work Individually on Your Master Thesis. The language of Instruction Is English, as Are the Literature and References Used.
In This Single Year, We Take You on A Journey of Nine Modules and Teach You in Breadth and Depth About how To Integrate Facility, Real Estate, and Asset Management. You Finish the Programme with A Master's Thesis. The nine Modules Are:
Driving Your Professional and Academic Development
This Module Prepares the Student for Working on The Master's Level, by Offering Tools and Techniques for Professional and Academic Development. The module includes a Broad Range of Topics, Such as Personal Leadership, Reflective Skills, Ethical Considerations and Critical Thinking. As professional Development Is an Ongoing Process, the Module Will Be Positioned Throughout the Year.
Investment & Valuation
In This Module, the Student Learns the Ins and Outs of Appraisal Methods and Financial Ratios Used to Assess the Performance of Asset Classes and Asset Portfolios. The module Highlights International Differences in Appraisal Techniques and The Availability and Validity of Data Sources. Finally, the Student Learns How To Apply Esg-Reporting Standards.
Strategic Sourcing
In This Module, the Student Learns to Develop a Strategic Sourcing Strategy for Soft Services, Including the Procurement Process, Contract Management and Supplier Relationship Management
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Managers Must Constantly Cope with The Changing Needs of Building Users and Other Stakeholders. The Work Environment Serves Many Purposes. However, Its Primary Function Is to Support Users’ Productivity. This Module Focuses on The Functionality of The Work Environment (the End-User Perspective), Drawing on One's Skills to Analyse Complex Issues Regarding the Work Environment or Building with Multiple Stakeholders. The Analysis and Prototyping Are Based on Service Design Methods.
Data-Driven Fream
In This Module, the Student Learns How To Get Value out Of Data, for Example for Smart Cities, Buildings and Other Digital Developments. The module Explores All Important Data-Related Topics for The Facility & Real Estate Manager Such as Data Sets, Data Gathering, Data Value Chain, Data Quality, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Data Tools and Techniques, and Ethical Concerns Around the Use of Data.
Sustainable Building/Portfolio Management
In This Module, the Student Will Learn to Appraise the Performance of A Building or Building Portfolio from An Owner/user and An Investor's Perspective. Through Comparing, the Student Gains Insights Into the Differences Between Corporate Real Estate Management (CRM) and Commercial Real Estate Management (rem) when Dealing with Greening the Building or Building Portfolio. The student learns how To Develop Value Cases to Balance Strategic, Functional, Financial and Environmental Value.
Leading Change in Fream
In This Module, the Student Acquires the Skills to Advise on Fream-Related Interventions Using a Value Case and A Change Management Strategy and Implementation Plan. This Module Takes a Holistic Approach to Value and Considers Sustainability as A Key Criterion.
Where Worlds Meet: Integrated Fream
In This Module, the Student Experiences the Interrelatedness of The Domains of Am, Re and Fm. the Strategies and Appraisals of All Fields Are Put Into an Integrative Perspective in A Game-Based Setting, Integrating the Organisational Context and Global Business Perspective.
Academic Research Skills
In This Module, the Student Acquires Appropriate Knowledge of Research Methods Which Is Essential for Completing the Master Thesis.
Master Thesis
The Master Thesis Is the Principal Component that Characterises a Master's Course and Allows Students to Research a Relevant Topic Beyond the Boundaries of The Content Taught in The Modules. As the Final Element in The Master's Programme, the Thesis Demonstrates a Student’s Expertise in A Chosen Research Area, Enhancing Specialisation Within the Broad Fream Field.
Two Master Degrees
Upon Successful Completion of The Programme, You Will Receive Two Master's Degrees (double Degree):
- A Professional Master's Degree in Facility and Real Estate Management from Saxion (m Sc).
- The British Master of Science Degree in Facility and Real Estate Management from The University of Greenwich (m Sc).
We Also Offer Stand-Alone Modules for Professionals Looking to Develop and Delve Deeper Into Facility and Real Estate.
Degree Programme Structure
The Programme Lasts for Twelve Months and Comprises Nine Modules Followed by A Master Thesis:
- Driving Your Professional and Academic Development (5 Ects)
- Investment & Valuation (5 Ects)
- Strategic Sourcing (5 Ects)
- Workplace Strategy (5 Ects)
- Data-Driven Fream (5 Ects)
- Sustainable Building/portfolio Management (5 Ects)
- Leading Change in Fream (5 Ects)
- Where Worlds Meet: Integrated Fream (5 Ects)
- Academic Skills (5 Ects)
- Master Thesis (15 Ects)
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
With a Master of Science degree (MSc), you demonstrate an academic level of work and thinking. This is an important condition for progression to management positions at a strategic level.
Professional Development
The double degree also makes you an interesting candidate for positions in both large and multinational organizations. With this double MSc. degree you are demonstrably better qualified, and your career is likely to accelerate.
Job Opportunities
Alumni research shows that our full-time alumni find a job very quickly, a large part of which at one of the organizations that are members of our Master FREM Advisory Board, such as CBRE, JLL, TwynstraGudde, Hospitality Group, and CFP Green Buildings. Part-time students often take the next step in their careers before the end of their studies. Many of our international students find new career prospects in their home country whilst others pursue a career in the Netherlands by making use of the opportunity to extend their visa after graduation for 1 year (zoekjaar).
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.