Master in European Forestry
Brno-sever, Czech Republic
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 2,408 / per year *
* per 1 year. The fees are approximate. The actual annual fee may vary depending on the current exchange rate.
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Master in European Forestry
Key Facts
- Program: C-EUFOR European Forestry
- Field of study: C-EUFOR-EUFOR European Forestry
- Level of qualification: Master continuing
- Mode of study: full-time
- Qualification awarded: Master's degree
Specific admission requirements:
Completed bachelor degree program and entrance examination, if required.
Master's study program
- European Forestry - Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Methods for Basic Manufacturing Processes in Forestry.
Qualification requirements and regulations:
Finished Bachelor's degree program with a bachelor diploma.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
There are no specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning. The recognition procedure of the university is guided by the Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and the university "Study and Examination Rules".
Profile of the program:
The program is designed to prepare professionals for top management positions of state forestry organizations and private entities both within the Czech Republic as part of the European Union and abroad. Graduates are prepared to deal with biological, technical and economic-managerial tasks in forestry management in different national contexts. The study program is designed in the English language including the admission procedure and thesis.
Key learning outcomes:
- Skilled at utilizing and processing information
- Capacity to adapt to new situations
- Ability to communicate with European and non-European professionals
- Ability to analyze and synthesize
- Ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge for solutions of particular forestry problems
- Ability to work independently or in an interdisciplinary team
- Ability to make decisions and solve problems independently
- Designing and managing projects
- Science and research skills
- Professional communication in the second language
Occupational profile:
The Graduate profiles are based on the acquirement of specific abilities (following the European Qualifications Framework) of forest engineers who are capable of solving biological, technical, economic and managerial tasks in forestry management. Most of all, the graduates will profit from the combination of theoretical knowledge obtained in their preceding bachelor studies in different national contexts, and new skills developed within the program. Practice is an integral part of the program.
The final state examination consists of four groups of questions:
Forest Ecosystems and Forest Ecology from a European Perspective, Silviculture and Stress Ecology at a European Scale, European Forest Economics and Policy, Forest Planning and Forest Technologies at the EU and Pan-European Levels.
The final state examination includes defending a diploma thesis. The Graduation Diploma particularly puts emphasis on a broad context of modern forestry and allows graduates to pursue a career in national and supranational forestry organizations and state administration in their home country or abroad.
Graduates may progress to postgraduate (PhD) programs.
Graduation requirements:
Min. 120 ECTS, state final exam, defense of the master's thesis.
Access to further studies:
Successful graduates may proceed to the doctoral study program.
Note: To obtain 60 ECTS credits per academic year, students should choose courses from any other study program taught at the university.