Kimmage Development Studies Centre
For 40 years, Kimmage DSC has facilitated education and training for development practitioners working in a range of occupations from over 65 countries. We have a strong reputation in Development Studies in Ireland and abroad and offer an inter-cultural and experience-based learning environment. The ethos of Kimmage DSC is embodied in a teaching approach based on participatory learning and critical thinking which seeks to empower course participants with the skills and knowledge essential for development work today.
About Us
For 40 years, Kimmage DSC has facilitated education and training for development practitioners working in a range of occupations from over 65 countries. We have a strong reputation in Development Studies in Ireland and abroad and offer an inter-cultural and experience-based learning environment. The ethos of Kimmage DSC is embodied in a teaching approach based on participatory learning and critical thinking which seeks to empower course participants with the skills and knowledge essential for development work today.
Our Vision and Mission
The vision of Kimmage DSC is a world of equality, respect and justice for all. Our mission is to promote critical thinking and action for justice, equality and the eradication of poverty in the world. We aim to do this through facilitating the education and training of individual practitioners and groups working for social, economic and political change in society and so enabling all practitioners to work effectively for the holistic development of all.
Why Kimmage?
- We are a creative, critical and dynamic education and learning centre for Development.
- We offer a learning programme that is participatory, learner centred, skills-based, practical and relevant.
- We have almost 40 years of experience teaching and training in Development.
- We offer a complementary experience to students, over and above the academic.
- We provide space for critical reflection, dialogue, research and capacity building for grassroots development of people and communities.
- We bridge the divide between development practitioners north and south, between academic and civil society, between higher education and adult education, and between NGOs and the missionary sector.
- We provide flexible learning options, including distance learning, part-time study and recognition of prior learning.
- We provide professional upgrading and/or a stepping stone for a career in development.
To find out more about Kimmage’s approach and to listen to the perspectives of some of our students check out our short video:
Academic Programmes
Academic programmes on offer reflect a combination of formal and non-formal educational methodologies and are run at undergraduate (BA) and postgraduate (MA and Post Graduate Diploma) levels, with options to study on a full-time or part-time basis. Modules from the MA in Development Studies are now available to students through a new Flexible and Distance Learning (FDL) mode of delivery.
All courses are internationally recognised and are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). In addition, since Sept 2013, we are delivering a Level 8 BA in International Development in partnership with National University Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM). Full details of this programme and how to apply can be found on the NUIM website by clicking here
Capacity Development Services
In addition to our academic programmes, we provide capacity development services devoted to the professional upgrading of Irish and overseas-based international development personnel. These capacity development services are provided as mentoring and organisational support and the provision of short-term practical training either through classroom-based training or open and distance education (KODE).
Our registration as an independent company and our charitable status has enabled us to consolidate and further develop our activities and linkages with other like-minded organisations, particularly in terms of entering more effectively into public fora and strategic alliances with others in the development sector in Ireland and internationally most notably in Tanzania, South Africa and Sierra Leone. More recently we have partnered with NUI Maynooth to deliver a BA programme in International Development.
Kimmage DSC is a not for profit company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered no: 414814 and is registered by Revenue Commissioners for Charitable exemption CHY: 16985
- Dublin
Dublin, Ireland