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Champollion University Master's Degree in Audiovisual, Interactive Digital Media, and Games
Champollion University

Master's Degree in Audiovisual, Interactive Digital Media, and Games

Albi, France

0 up to 2 Years

French, Spanish

Full time

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Sep 2023

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The objective of this multidisciplinary master's degree is to train experts and project leaders in the conception of multimedia resources designed for teaching through apprenticeships, professional training, initial training (serious games, learning games, simulators, transmedia, MOOC), as well as all sectors of gamification (advergame, newsgame, edugame).

This master's reflect the broad range of skills required in this new industry through its multidisciplinarity and transverse topics: technological and computer sciences, human and social sciences, educational sciences, law, and economics.

At the end of this course, graduates will be able to design, manage, develop, budget, and assess a severe gaming device or interactive digital media, linked primarily to training and linked to the fields of marketing, communication, and information.

This master's degree highlights five lines of study :

Updating of skills:

Because this master aims at a broad audience, modules designed to update skills in various areas are offered during the first year, according to the student's background. These modules are 'Theory of Learning' and 'Methods, Techniques, and Learning Tools' on the one hand, 'Algorithms and Programming' and 'Introduction to Web Languages.'


The teaching of transversal skills and creation of multidisciplinary collaborative workgroups for supervised projects and tutorials. This wealth of diversity demonstrates the dynamism and achievement of the course.

Diversity of training:

This master is designed to adapt to three different training types: continuous training, initial training, and training through an apprenticeship. These three types of students can follow the same lessons at INU Champollion, the only difference being the projects and timing of internships. Furthermore, this master's is accessible through the accreditation of acquired experience.


With a professional integration module and an extended internship in the second year, this master's is committed to the students' professionalization and employability.

Methodology through projects:

The first three semesters of this master each have an educational objective to promote the value of working on a project as part of a team, in multidisciplinary groups, allowing to create a learning situation through a real-life project:

At the end of semester 7, the student will be able to design and script, as part of a team, interactive media to convey a skill, information, or a message.

At the end of semester 8, the student will be able to design and produce, as part of a team, interactive digital media (web game, 2D/3D game).

At the end of semester 9, the student will be able to design, develop, experiment, and assess, as part of a team, an interactive learning media.

Skills and Knowledge

At the end of the two years of this master's degree, the trainee or student will be able to lead innovative projects in developing interactive multimedia resources, particularly in the field of professional training.

This involves the following :

Coordinate and lead a multidisciplinary team in a serious game project or an interactive digital resource, and set up tools for piloting the project, provisional budgets, and quality control charts.

Write the storyboard for a serious game or an interactive experience through screenwriting tools, design behavioral actions and interactions and environments, then ensure the interpretations of the different teams (developer, graphic designer, sound engineer, trainer.)

Design digital tools for learning and support, ensuring and checking all stages of the production process.

Analyze and assess the relevance of traditional training resources to adapt them to create innovative interactive learning tools (social learning, learning management system, serious game.).

Create, develop, or take over a business or work as an employee in the field of serious games, identify personal strengths and weaknesses, and critically assess own professional practice.

About the School


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