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HFH Fernhochschule

HFH Fernhochschule

HFH Fernhochschule


Thanks to the flexible study concept, you can combine family, work and other obligations with your studies. HFH distance learning is flexible in all respects. Online seminars offer you a wide range of support for self-study from home.

We are the experts for part-time studying. With our know-how, which we have been continuously expanding since it was founded in 1997, the HFH · Hamburger Fern-Hochschule offers you state-recognized degrees that are well known on the job market.

At our more than 50 study centers we advise and support you competently and comprehensively - by telephone, online or in person. You can also use a voluntary presence with experienced lecturers to support your academic success - on site or online.


  • Hamburg

    Alter Teichweg,19, 22081, Hamburg
