Master in Entrepreneurship
Arusha, Tanzania
2 Years
Part time
Request application deadline
Request the earliest start date
USD 7,000 *
* application fee is 30 USD
The program is structured in such a way to combine on-site learning activities with off-site activities. The intensive on-site learning activities are preceded by preparatory reading and related exercises for submission to the school. There is also post-session follow-up work involving activities like problem-solving assignments, paper writing based on field research, and independent reading. Along with a highly intensive and motivating curriculum, students will have time to pursue an Entrepreneurial Project on their own. The projects will be presented to a panel of bankers and or micro-finance institutions with the possibility of securing loan/financing for feasible and sound projects. The faculty and experienced business mentors will assist students in developing their business projects.
The program is designed to benefit individuals, organizations, and the entire society in Africa. Entrepreneurial activities are highly promoted over the world. In every society, the need for new businesses cannot be overemphasized. Existing organizations also require creative ideas and innovations that would make them exploit and develop new business approaches, as well as expansion, diversification, and enhancement of competitive positions. All these are career opportunities for students in this program.
Program Venues
The evening class the Masters in Entrepreneurship program is offered in the ESAMI member countries.
These venues are located in Arusha, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Nairobi, Kenya; Kampala, Uganda; Lusaka, Zambia; Lilongwe and Blantyre, Malawi; Harare, Zimbabwe; Windhoek and Oshakati, Namibia; Mbabane, Swaziland; Maputo, Mozambique; Mahe, Seychelles.
Course List
- CEG09101 Entrepreneurial Process and Opportunity Recognition
- CEG09102 Entrepreneurial Marketing
- CEG09203 Feasibility Analysis
- CEG09404 Managing New Venture Growth
- CEG09405 Managerial Economics
- CEG09206 Research Methods
- CEG09307 Statistical Analyses
- CEG09308 Entrepreneurial Finance and Resource acquisition
- CEG09409 Management and Organizational Change
- CEG09410 Entrepreneurial Project
- CEG09311 Commercial and Intellectual Property Law
Program Outcome
Learning Outcomes
Graduates from this program should be able to create new businesses as well as exploring new business opportunities and thinking within existing organizations. More specifically, students should be capable of developing business opportunities into viable and successful new businesses; examine and convert information into feasible business proposals; manage and sustain the growth of newly established business ventures. Further, students from already established businesses should be capable of grasping new business opportunities for their organizations; identify and evaluate various innovative strategies for value creation in their organizations; deal with complex business environments in a way to strengthen organizational competitiveness.
Classes run from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm for two weeks every two to two and a half months, every two to two and a half months, for a period of two years. Thereafter they will undertake research leading to their entrepreneurial projects for five to six months at places of their choice.