M.Sc. in Chemicals and Petrochemicals Engineering
Alexandria, Egypt
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Feb 2025
USD 13,000 / per year
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering:
M.Sc. students must complete a total of at least 36 credit hours, within the following guidelines:
- Course work of 18 credit hours, including 6 credit hours core courses, 9 credit hours elective courses, and 3 credit hours Project-Based Learning course.
- Thesis work 18 credit hours.
M.Sc. students have to pass successfully six courses with three credit hours each.
Core Courses:
- CPE 501 Transport Phenomena
- CPE 502 Advanced Unit Operations
Elective Courses:
The student has to select three courses from the following group or from any other graduate program/s, according to the recommendations of the principal supervisor.
- CPE 503- Modeling and Simulation of Chemical and Petrochemical Processes
- CPE 504- Electrochemical Methods in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries.
- CPE 505- Advanced Separation Technologies
- CPE 506- Advanced Process Control
- CPE 507- Nanotechnology in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries
- CPE 508- Gas handling& Processing Engineering
- CPE 509- Analytical Instrumentation
- CPE 510- Petrochemical Industries
- MTH 501- Advanced Mathematics and Statistics I
Project-Based Learning Courses:
M.Sc. students have to participate in the following teamwork projects which are based on self-learning. Students have to present innovative concepts and competitive solutions. The total credits of the course are three hours.
- *CPE 701 – Project-Based Learning on Chemical and Petrochemicals Engineering.
M.Sc. Thesis:
The M.Sc. candidate should prepare and defend a Thesis based on high-valued research work in one research topic in the fields of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering.
- *CPE 801- M. Sc. Thesis
Complementary Courses:
In addition to students holding a bachelor degree in Chemical and/or Petrochemicals Engineering, students holding bachelor degrees in relevant engineering specializations can be admitted in the program. These specializations include:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Material Science and Engineering
- Metallurgy
The students should pass successfully complementary courses of up to 18 credit hours, as determined by the Department Council and approved by the Department Council, before registration in the program. The credit hours of the complementary courses are not accounted for the course-work requirements.
The complementary courses are listed below; each course is worth 3 credit hours:
- CPE 450- Process Plant Design
- CPE 451- Chemical Processes Principles
- ERE 451- Heat and Mass Transfer
- MSE 450 -Materials Properties and Testing
- CPE 452- Instrumental Analysis
- CPE 453- Organic Chemistry
- CPE 454- Physical Chemistry
- CPE 455- Thermodynamics (1)
- CPE 456- Thermodynamics (2)
About the Department
The graduate study program is intended to prepare the student to carry out basic and applied scientific research in the fields relevant to chemical and petrochemical industries, in order to develop new products and/or improve the properties of existing products. Also, the student should be able to understand, realize and apply the basic principles of clean and green technology in the design and running different units for producing different chemical and petrochemical goods.
- To prepare creative engineers to design, manage and operate process units related to chemical and petrochemical engineering systems, applying green technologies.
- To stay ahead in chemical and petrochemical engineering education quality and research.
To give the student a good idea about the different aspects of the studied courses in the graduate program, the student should be able to apply the scientific bases he acquired from these courses in the different fields of chemical and petrochemical industries. Moreover, the student should be able to conduct scientific research in the relevant fields of these industries to develop new products and improve the properties of the existing products. Also, the student should be able to follow green technology principles in different aspects of chemical and petrochemical industries.
- To prepare graduates for teamwork research programs in different parts of the world.
- To prepare creative engineers to design, manage and operate equipment related to chemical and petrochemicals engineering applications and systems.
- To prepare qualified students who can apply the latest technologies to improve life quality by considering and addressing environmental issues.
- To give an equal opportunity for students from all countries to enroll in postgraduate programs.
- To establish cooperation channels between E-JUST and industry.