Specialized Master® Cybersecurity & Smart Systems
Cergy, France
12 up to 18 Months
Full time
15 Sep 2025
17 Nov 2025
EUR 11,500 *
* individually
The omnipresence of computing in our daily lives, as well as the extension of the Internet to all forms of everyday objects (known as the Internet of Things, in English Internet of Things, abbreviated IoT), have fostered the development and deployment of a new generation of interconnected objects with advanced capture, processing and communication capabilities.
The purpose of the Specialized Master® in Cybersecurity & Smart Systems is to train in new multidisciplinary engineering professions for the IoT (Internet Of Things) and communicating systems.
It aims to train IT executives capable of:
- assimilate and master IoT technologies
- to understand the challenges of Smart Systems in France and around the world
- to integrate the knowledge and experience of these issues into a managerial practice of IT, whatever the sector
The skills developed as part of this training meet the current needs of software and hardware architects throughout the transmission and processing chain dedicated to connected and intelligent objects. The modules for data acquisition, analysis and processing, artificial intelligence, mobile programming, wireless technologies, networks and cybersecurity illustrate this approach.
In order to reach the level of experience sought in these fields, and in connection with the new current pedagogies, an important part of the training is dedicated to the practical application on real cases proposed by industrialists and research laboratories.
The main partner companies:
- Process Consulting
- Monixo
- SDIS95
Training content
The Specialized Master® program corresponds to 45 ECTS credits dedicated to teaching plus 30 ECTS credits associated with the professional thesis, itself associated with the company mission, for a total of 75 ECTS credits.
The training is validated by a bac+6 accredited by the Conference of Grandes Écoles.
- Data: capture, storage and analysis
- Connectivity: networks and communication technologies for IoT
- Processing: mobile and responsive programming, artificial intelligence
- Security: cybersecurity, software testing, blockchain technology
- Management: team and psychosocial risks
- Business project
Administrative start: October 27, 2022 / educational start: November 8, 2022
Program of the training
- Duration: 12 months (extension up to 18 months possible to carry out the mission in a company)
- 6 months of full-time courses
- 6 months of corporate mission
- Writing and defense of a professional thesis
- 625 hours of lessons distributed across 5 modules
- 840 hours of internship
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities
Sectors of activity or type of employment
The Specialized Master® Cybersecurity & Smart Systems leads to all professions linked to the network, mobility and Internet of Things sector, whether at the engineering, architecture, consulting or audit level. It aims to train IT professionals capable of having a global vision to integrate into the management team of an establishment or group of establishments, on the one hand, and to assert IT skills to manage application projects, on the other hand.
Thus designed, the Specialized Master® Cybersecurity & Smart Systems trains executives of small and large companies with strong power of innovation in sectors of activity including home automation, telecommunications, transport, aeronautics, health, construction , energy, the environment, defense, nuclear power and even trade.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.